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AL BAQARAH 156 🫶 Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 155-156: Arab, Latin, Arti, Tafsir, Kandungan

al baqarah 156 11   no togel tokek 25 155. We will certainly test you with some fear and hunger, and some loss of possessions and lives and crops. But give good news to the steadfast. 156. Those who

20bet 23 Ampunilah saudara-saudara kami seagama yang telah mendahului kami dalam beriman 155. We will certainly test you with some fear and hunger, and some loss of possessions and lives and crops. But give good news to the steadfast. 156. Those who

69 slot 1 Kalimat innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun ini merupakan potongan dari Surat Al Baqarah ayat 156 yang berbunyi sebagai berikut. almarhumah mendapatkan ampunan dari Allah Swt

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